See, I'm the 3rd generation of a notorious line of , overachieving, anal-retentive, PERFECTIONISTIC arts and crafts monsters.*
(Hi, Mom! Hi, Grandma!)
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Adobe, take note: My grandma invented Photoshop about 3 decades before you. If she didn't like her hair in a
photo, she'd adjust it with Wite-Out and ballpoint pen. If a family member wasn't in a group photo, she'd literally cut and paste them into
the shot using another picture (like I did here with Mr. Philip Collins). My grandma is the fucking JAM, is my point.
Whenever any of us dig in on a project, we kind of lose it. We get crazy, we get controlling, we get obsessive. I know those sound like bad things, but then you see what we came up with using that madness, and you start to understand why it was all worth it.
 I honestly believe that any one of the three of us, given enough hot glue and glitter, could achieve
world peace.
* Plus I'm a Virgo, so I've got that added pile of crazy on top.